CLASSIFICATION OF VIRECHANA DRUGS ETYMOLOGY The word Virechana is formed from ‘rich’ dhatu which means evacuation. By the addition of ‘lyut’ pratyaya to it, the word Rechana is formed which is used to denote the process of virechana. DEFINITION Elimination of dosha through adhobhaga is known as Virechana karma. Although in a broader sense, virechana includes both vamana and virechana. But Cakrapani has specified that ‘adhobhaga’ means guda. Classification – MODERN VIEW LAXATIVES These are the drugs that promote evacuation of bowels. According to the intensity of action, they are classified into – i) Laxative or Aperients – these have milder action and eliminate soft but formed stools. ii) Purgatives – These have stronger action resulting in more evacuation. These are of following types - 1) BULK FORMING AGENTS These add bulk to faecal matter by retaining water so that they can pass more easily through intestines. Eg. Dietary fibre, barley(yava), Sod. Sulphate, Mag. Sulphate, Agar. Utility- They are helpful in the anal fissure, haemorrhoids, diverticular disease, and IBS. 2) LUBRICANT PURGATIVES These drugs lubricate intestines and faecal matter so that stool slides through the colon more easily. Eg. Liquid paraffin, dioctyl sodium sulpho – succinate. Utility – in conditions where straining has to be avoided like after surgery for repair of hernia, haemorrhoidal surgery, heart- attack, childbirth. 3) EMOLLIENT PURGATIVES (STOOL SOFTENERS) These enable additional water and fats to be incorporated in the stool and making faecal matter soft for easy passage through the intestines. Eg, - Docusate Utility – used for preventing constipation rather than curing. 4) OSMOTIC PURGATIVES These consist of poorly absorbed solutes which bring about an increased fluid volume and hence create an osmotic pressure effect. Accelerates transfer of gut contents through small intestines to colon. Large volume in colon results in purgation. Eg, Lactulose, Sorbitol, MgS04. Utility - Bowel evacuation for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. 5) STIMULANT PURGATIVES Stimulates the mucosa of the gut These drugs increase the peristalsis by irritation of the nerve endings of the intestines. Eg, Castor oil, Mercury, Sulphur. Utility – IBS, constipation due to overuse of narcotics. CLASSIFICATION – Ayurvedic View I) According to ORIGIN - i) Animal Source Eg; Mutra, Godugdha, Takra ii) Plant Source Eg; Sankhini, Vidanga, Danti II) According To PART USED i) Mulini – Roots are used. Eg; Trivrit, Saptala, Dravanti ii) Phalini – Fruits are used. Eg; Vidanga, Abhaya, Shankini iii) Kshirini – Milky sap is used. Eg; Snuhi, Arka iv) Tvak – Bark is used. Eg; Putika, Tilwaka III). According to the INTENSITY of ACTION This suggests the degree of potency of the drug. 1) Mrdu Virechana The drugs that produce less purgation due to- i) It’s mild potency ii) combined with drugs of opposite virya. iii) given in low dosage. iv) given to ruksha patients. Eg, guda, ksheera, ikshu rasa, mastu, sarpi. Taruna madya, kashmari, pilu, triphala. 2) MADHYAMA VIRECHANA The drugs that produce medium purgations due to – i) Being comparatively deficient in required qualities due to less exposure to water and heat as well as not being produced in good desha and kala. ii) Given in lesser dose than required. iii) Given to patients who are not properly snehita and svedita Eg, Trivrit, Katuki, Aragwadha Utility – i) Madhyama bala roga ii) Dosha kopa in moderate levels. 3) TEEKSHNA VIRECHANA The drugs which cause mahavega and quickly eliminate doshas in large quantity. These bring about purgations gently without causing much glani, pain in heart or anus and harm to internal organs. These posses all the required qualities. These are given bhavana with drugs of same virya and hence acquire teekshna property. These are given in the prescribed dosage. Given to patients who are well snehita and svedita. Eg, Snuhiksheera, Hemaksheeri, Danti Utility – i) For strong patients having prabhuta dosha kopa. ii) Krura kostha. IV) BASED ON GUNA OF THE DRUG 1) SNIGDHA VIRECHANA Virechana given by drugs having snigdha guna. The drugs can be used in the form of oil or preparation containing sneha. Eg, Eranda,Tilvaka Aragwdha, Saptala, Castor oil. Utility – Indicated in Pakwashaya gata vatha, kshata- ksheena, sukumara , bala, vridha, vit- vibandha, sukra-vikara, vata-vikara. For those who are not much oleated 2) RUKSHA VIRECHANA The virechana given by drugs having ruksha guna. The preparation does not contain sneha. Eg, Tilvaka, Dravanti, Vibhitaki, Katurohini, Gavakshi, Kampillaka. Utility – Those who are over oleated. Those suffering from pliha, pandu, udara, ajeerna. V) BASED ON MODE OF ACTION 1) ANULOMANA The drugs which move the mala downwards after digesting them and breaking their bandhas are known as Anulomana. Sara is mentioned as a synonym by Susrutha.Eg, Haritaki Utility – The term ‘Malanam’ refers to undigested doshas also. Hence, these drugs cause anulomana of pratiloma movement of vata kapha also. 2) SRAMSANA The drug which brings the semi-digested and sticky malas without causing their digestion is known as Sramana. Eg, Aragwadha Utility – Sramsana eliminates the Pitha and Kapha situated in Pakwashaya 3) BHEDHANA The drug which disintegrates the ‘Abadha (unformed) or Badha(formed) or Pindita(dried faecal mass) forms of malas by facilitating penetration into it and then evacuating through the lower gut, is known as Bhedhana. Eg, Katuki , drugs of Bhedaniya Dashemani like Trivrit, Arka, Eranda. Utility - These drugs possess bhedana, as well as deepana, so are effective in conditions requiring pitha virechana 4) RECHANA The drug which liquifies digested (Pakwam) and undigested(Apakwam) Malas or Doshas and eliminates them through the lower gut is known as Rechana. Eg, Trivrit. VI) According TO KALPANA This is for maintenance of active principle for a longer time and convenience of taking drugs. Curna, Asava, Aristha, Avaleha, Kashaya etc. Susrutha has mentioned following 8 preparations- i) Taila yoga ii) Ksira yoga iii) Ghrita yoga iv) Madya yoga v) Mutra yoga vi) Mamsarasa yoga vii) Bhaksanna yoga viii) Avaleha ayoga According To SEASONS Acc. To SEASONS ANUPANA I. VARSHA Trivrit, Pipali, Sunthi Draksha rasa and honey 2. SARAD Trivrit, duralabha, Musta, Sarkara Yasti in Draksha kashaya 3. HEMANTA Trivrit, Citraka, Patha, Vacha Warm water


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